WPJC Has the Fastest Jet Charter for a Last-Minute New Year's Travel Itinerary

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  MIAMI, FL - 12/29/2016 (PRESS RELEASE JET)

New Year’s Eve is the perfect time to find your perfect place in the world – and enjoy the fabulous parties that are bound to be going on anywhere in the world. With the New Year just days away, it may seem like there isn’t enough time to travel to your ideal destination. With the fastest jet charter service available, however, you can make this your best year yet!

Starting the New Year in New York City is the stuff dreams are made of. Watching the iconic ball drop right in front of you in Times Square is an experience that everyone should have at least once. You will also get a chance to marvel at all of the holiday decorations adorning the one-of-a-kind city.

As your private jet charter flies into the Big Apple and you catch site of the lights and glitter, you are sure to feel the excitement build.

If you prefer to ring in the New Year in a warmer place, Orlando, Florida, may be your ideal party spot. With temperatures expected to stay in the 60s and 70s for New Year’s Eve, you will be able to comfortably walk to the different clubs and bars that will be going all out for this incredible event.

Las Vegas is another amazing place to welcome a New Year. Las Vegas is known for being a place of celebration and high energy, so a New Years’ Eve spent in the dazzling city is sure to be one that you won’t soon forget. If you decide to stick around after the party, CES 2017 starts on January 5th. You could start the New Year in the know with all of the latest electronics.

If you really want to get the most from your New Year’s Eve, you can even take a jet charter to Sydney, Australia and celebrate the count down, then come back to the west coast of the U.S. and watch it happen again! The 19-hour time zone difference means that with the fastest jet charter, you can start 2017 twice.

No matter where you choose to celebrate your New Year’s Eve, taking a private jet charter will allow you to arrive well rested and ready to party.

About West Palm Jet Charter

West Palm Jet Charter can have you in the air and on your way to your fantastic New Year’s destination in just four hours after you book, so you can make the most of your celebration in the least amount of time. The professionals at West Palm Jet Charter will help take the pressure off, so you are free to feel nothing but excitement about flying to the most fantastic party of the year.

Media Contacts:

person_outline  Full Name:Yuri Gonzalez
phone  Phone Number:(561) 325-6758
business_center  Company:West Palm Jet Charter
language  Website:www.westpalmjetcharter.com
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