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What Millennials Really Want From Work and Life

GREATER NEW YORK CITY - 04/12/2019 — Millennials are the most researched - and most maligned - generation ever. Growing up as children of Boomers with massive expectations for advanced education, high-paying jobs, asset accumulation and other milestones, many Millennials have had their hopes for a bright future dashed or postponed by the Great Recession, even in a historic bull market with record-low unemployment. 


And still, an entire cottage industry, complete with thousands of daily articles, hundreds of books published yearly, has in the last decade dubbed Millennials everything from lazy, entitled and flaky employees to kale-eating, parents' basement-dwelling hipsters, killers of ketchup and mayo, plus sharing economy champions who never plan to buy a car or home, never mind marry or have kids.

And as Millennials become the largest demographic in the workforce and increasingly move into leadership positions, employers and HR leaders are still puzzled by conflicting data and their own experiences as to what makes Millennials tick.

While short-term perks and reactive strategies fail to increase Millennial engagement and retention, employers are increasingly asking what Millennials actually want.


Here's where "What Millennials Really Want From Work and Life" cuts through the noise to get to the heart of the Millennial experience. Scouring the available research, plus client narratives and his own crazy story as a(n old) Millennial who went through massive school debt, four career changes, huge setbacks and challenges, Kruman has found that Millennial vices at work and in life are greatly exaggerated.


The book is a deep well of insights about Millennial habits, psychology, language, mindset, life design, ideal employee experience and customer experience, among others. Kruman has used the principles and conclusions he outlines in the book to successfully consult corporations and fast-growth start-ups on HR Transformation and improving the employee experience, as well as to coach hundreds of Millennial executives to become effective managers, improve productivity and revitalize their careers. 


To learn more about the author's consulting work and speaking, please visit


The book is available in hard copy, paperback and e-book through Business Expert Press, as well as on Amazon and online bookstores worldwide. 

Media Contacts:

Company Name: Yuri Kruman
Full Name: Yuri Kruman
Email Address: Send Email