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The Answer to Medicare For All: Socialism Presented as a Democrat 2020 Presidential Candidate’s Salespitch

Atlanta, GA - 03/18/2019 (PRESS RELEASE JET) — This is a grand preliminary financially feasible prospectus for “Medicare for All,” as a theoretical construct for immediate practical application and is more aligned with the politics of business than the business of politics; and as such, was created without regard to party affiliation, but political consultancy for an unnamed 2020 presidential candidate. (NOTE: written as consultant for a specific politician and doesn’t necessarily represent my political affiliation).


In the 1980s I discovered that the human brain, nature and all life is predicated on and can be defined by the single word of patterns.  Being the first and only person to have ever created an all-encompassing educational pedagogy based upon Pattern Recognition Ordinates, this concept represents such validated innovative conceptual thinking and action.


Politically, as politicians are apt to do, present simplistic catch-phrase words as contrarian answers to complex questions.  Instead of looking from a social-medical-financial perspective, let’s look at it from a capital-medical-financial perspective:


The base for creating a stable medical-foundation is the young citizens.  For example, a job seeker has offers from a major corporation and a startup business, with both offering the same compensation, the difference being, the corporation is offering medical benefits.  Which company will the job seeker choose?  99.9% of the time he/she will choose the corporation.


Why?  Benefits are one of the advantages that corporations have over small business owners.


With Medicare For All (MFA), corporations will save billions of dollars in expenses related to employee medical benefits and such cost of doing business savings allow them to invest in growth, research and development to stimulate the tax base and overall economic growth.


Small business owners will be on greater economic footing that enables them to better compete with corporations for talent.  And talent will be willing to take risks with small business owners due to and because of the elimination of medical benefits concerns.  Today, job loss means medical benefits loss.


There is more growth in an acorn than in an oak tree and thus, small businesses with growth potential can offer the benefits of IPO stock options, as an example.  This is as much about freedom; personal, business and financial, as it is about medical insurance.  Citizens, just as corporations, will be able to re-direct their finances from medical to other aspects of operations, life and living as risk management.


“Newspaper article:  Washington—A federal report estimates that government at all levels will be paying nearly half the nation’s health care tab in less than 10 years.(driving the increase is traditional Medicare, which is experiencing an enrollment surge as baby boomers shift out of private coverage.  The report from the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services projects that U.S. health care spending will surpass $5.9 trillion in 2027.”


Federal, state and local governments will be paying 47 percent of the nation’s health care costs in 2027, up from 45 percent currently.The federal share is 31 percent.Some 2020 Democratic presidential contenders are calling for a government-funded “Medicare-for-all: system.  President Donald Trump warns that would be “socialism.”


From my perspective, this is more about budgetary prioritization than economic affordability.The fact is; the Capitol doesn’t lack the capital, as it’s already in the economy in aggregate between the corporations, workers and government(s).  One option is, corporations/businesses can pay a per-employee state and or federal medical tax to help cover their employees, without the mandatory human resources administration and paperwork.


I envision newly built hospitals, clinics and medical institutions having private, luxury and or premium rooms, floors or buildings for those who’d like to pay for those types of services, just like hotels and automobile manufacturers create demographic-based products and services today.


I envision the economy thriving, because any economist will tell you that psychology is one of the greatest economic indicators and medical bankruptcies are a burden to many families in this country.  For those stuck in the past and their inability to envision opportunity through change, I will tell you, they are always going to be the majority.  


In fact, history proves this.  At no time in history has a majority of the people been at the forefront of change, even with something as beneficial as the automobile.  Most people thought the automobile was a crazy idea, because they’d say the horse and buggy works just fine.  That’s why automobiles started in Europe, and like medical coverage for the masses, Europe is at the forefront of medical coverage for its citizens today.


Guess what?  Lesson learned from Europe, so Ford stated he wanted everyone to have and own a Ford and went about the business of creating the first moving assembly line and in the process created the middle class.From thought to automated manufacturing process, he created growth beyond measure of mind.


Now, I come and speak of an economic vision to stimulated innovation and economic growth and the majority of people tell me all the negatives; it’s socialism, it’s unaffordable, etc.  Your health is social, biological germs are social and affect us all.  Your sneeze is contagious and if you can’t afford to take care of that, you will pass that on to me and my family.  


Health policy is predicated on social responsibility as related to private and public health, because biological contagion through social transmission is an epidemic waiting to happen. History is replete with deaths caused by and through social and biological contagion.  


The insured and uninsured are both at risk, but it will be necessary that you not come in  contact with uninsured people you counteract with on a daily basis  serving youfood and providing other goods and services.  Then there are those who adamantly say, we can’t pay for medical care for all.  So I ask; how many people can afford to pay for a house? Very few.   How many has one, two or three hundred thousand dollars at their disposal to pay for a home?


For most people, the bank takes the risk and pays for the house and you provide a down-payment, risk insurance and repayment plan.  We have a credit-based economy and the bank gives you 30 years to repay.  If we only got things we could pay for, we’d be a poor country.  We live off our future!


The car you drive, could you afford to pay for it?  The house you live in, were you able to pay for it?  Life and our capital economy are risk based.  Then, listening to people who have little to no economic understanding will get you nowhere.  Ask President Trump if he was able to buy for the buildings with his name on them.


No, he sought financing just like we all do to pay for the buildings.  And I’m not going to even speak of the numerous bankruptcies. The point is, the bank will afford you 30 years to pay for a home and you are not even willing to give me 150 years to afford to pay for health care for all?


P&I (principle and interest) payments for the 100 year mortgage will be generated from a number of old and new revenue streams, with details to be provided.  I will implement this on day one.


When you hear someone say we can’t afford it, ask him/her has he/she every built something?  If so, ask if they had the money to pay for it?Entrepreneurs and builders understand that it’s not affordability; it’s the innovation, uniqueness and relevant consumer and investor appeal of the idea/concept and the ROI.  So don’t listen to the losers.   


Therefore, I’m not interested in your negativity, what I’m seeking are the positives.  Where is the American ingenuity?  Where are those who say we can do anything?  Those are the ones I would like to appeal to.  You naysayers and nattering nabobs of negativity, I respectfully say, please allow those who make things happen by building a better life, let us go to work, as we’re not interested in your lack of vision.


This is a phenomenon with the same level of wherewithal as when we made going to the moon a national calling.  Could we afford to pay for it then?  Money is relative to creativity and creation and they are usually related to efficiency and or savings in time, energy and money.


With all the intellectual capital at all the universities, business savants and genius minds in our country, do you not think we CAN’T overhaul an inefficient system to create one that benefits all entities involved?  There are those who say, the insurance industry is going to lose a lot of jobs.  Please spare me.  What about AI and IT?  And self-driving cars aren’t going to cause people to lose jobs?  What about robots?  What about computers?  What about farm tractors?  Innovation usually does that!


In my pedagogy, I call all these types of innovation, Transitory Innovation; meaning, these innovations on one side of the coin brings job loses that causes employee transitioning into other jobs and industries.  The same is true of this medical innovation, as it is going to provide business and personal opportunities and freedoms and economic growth stimulus that will rival any innovation we’ve historically witnessed.


On one hand you have New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg saying, “Medicare for all would bankrupt us for a very long time.”  On the other is Vermont Independent Senator Bernie Sanders Medicare for all bill, with national savings from reduced administrative costs and government price-setting and no more co-pays, deductibles or surprised medical bills and 4 year transition, phasing in change by age groups with simultaneously some big tax increases taking effect.


We have an estimated 29 million uninsured and many see the Government controlling a 3.5 trillion U.S. health care system as a disaster waiting to happen. And many see people having to give up private coverage.  The health care industry is the largest industry with the highest employment rate in most of the states.


My system is a citizens-financed system with the Government the creditor/financier of the $3.5 trillion health care system, which is approximately 10 thousand dollars per 325 million person population, financed over 150 years.  P&I (principle and interest) payments for the 150 year mortgage will be generated from a number of old and new revenue streams, with details to be provided.  I will implement this on day one.


With businesses no long needing to offer medical benefits, this means savings in HR personnel and administrative support, which actually represents a tax break.  Since this is about sharing the health and wealth, corporations will pay a Medicare health dividend based upon the number of employees.


Competitively speaking, this benefits the large corporations and the small startups, as it puts them on equal footing.  An employee doesn’t have to make an employment decision based upon which company offers medical benefits.  He/She can take more employment risks and take that startup position in the company with IPO potential.  This benefits the employees, small businesses and large corporations.


Medicare offices established within hospitals or in close proximity mean centralized structure and localized services to move it into 21st Century operational structuring.  I envision newly built hospitals, clinics and medical institutions having private, military, luxury and or premium rooms, floors or buildings for those who’d like to pay for those types of services, just like hotels and automobile manufacturers create demographic-based products and services today.


First and foremost, we’re going to change the perspective of Medicare from the old and sick to youthful and healthy, so that it’s primarily about health and fitness.  People go for health maintenance as opposed to medical sickness.  


Insurance companies can still offer private health insurance coverage for those who opt out of Medicare. Like all industries that go through changes because of innovation, the insurance industry will get creative for the purposes of sustainability and growth or get smaller due to and because of market dynamics.  For instance, transitioning to risk management, life insurance, employment insurance in the case of job loss, etc.


Implementation of the plan is going to be immediate.  When a baby is born and receives a SSN, he/she will be integrated into the Medicare system.  And because a young person needs less health care than a senior citizen, the Medicare foundation will be built from young people.  With a 150 years financing, by the time the first enrollees reach 75; the half-way point, the second-half newborns will be enrolling.


The 75 year olds will be healthier and will have had medical attention from birth, transitioning Medicare from the old and sick to youthful and healthy.  


Since the new enrollees will be about health and medical knowledge for implementation of healthier lifestyles for longevity, the costs will depreciate.  Additionally, I will implement a synergy between our preschool to college public education system and the Medicare system, where every student takes class presided over by a medical practitioner teaches a class and provide medical advice and assistance.


Such will be a new Medicare teaching certification implemented by colleges and universities that is human biological health focused and serve as an intermediary.This will provide an almost daily health student report card.  By driving a health focused medical system through educational oversight; the byproduct will be, a healthy population and a less expensive Medicare system.


On the medial front, biological and genomic technologies, robotics in medicine and digitization; means, the medical and healthcare industries are going to become more medically effective and patient efficient and will represent savings on one side of the coin and increased revenue generated on the other.


When you believe in the creative capacity of this human experiment called life, you believe in our capitalistic democracy and about our ability to discover and invent our success through creative ingenuity.  It’s a man’s world, but women are mothers of invention out of necessity. And as a presidential candidate, I’m ready, willing and able to give medical birth to over 300 million citizens, health care to one and all.  


Now, to my Republican colleagues who quickly and loudly holler “socialism,” I ask, what’s your next move?  As I’ve taken the simple and easy rebuttal from your vocabulary.  Now it’s just a matter of informing the people with knowledge of one who comes with innovative ideas to build the U.S.A into a more perfect union.


May God continue to bless this great country of ours and give us the wisdom to appreciate our blessings in this life through health and wealth.     Vote (for me)  in 2020.

Media Contacts:

Company Name: NuNique Institute Knowledge Engineering
Full Name: Thomas Fuller
Phone: 407 740 7407
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