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Relieve Post-Election Stress and Anxiety in Minutes Using Only Words

Use a Little Known European Self-Coaching Tool to Stop Worrying About Things You Can’t Control

LITTLETON, CO - 11/16/2016 (PRESS RELEASE JET) — The American Psychological Association reports that 52 percent of adults surveyed are experiencing post-election stress. Readers of a new self-help book are reporting that repeating three simple sentences focused on a disturbing thought or image allows them to relieve stress and relax within a few minutes. They often read the material in just a few hours and start to use it immediately.

The author of Letting It Go: Relieve Anxiety and Toxic Stress in Just a Few Minutes Using Only Words (Rapid Relief with Logosynthesis®), (Empowerment Systems Books, 2016, ISBN 9780974311357, $12.95,  Dr. Laurie Weiss explained why she was intrigued when she first encountered this process. “After 40 years of helping people make important changes in their lives, I was amazed that the power of this new tool enabled me to do the work in a fraction of the time with a fraction of the pain.”

Dr. Weiss and her husband of 56 years, Dr. Jonathan B. Weiss traveled to Nova Scotia to study advanced Logosynthesis® techniques focused on managing personal energy, with the founder and developer of this process, Swiss-Dutch Psychologist, Dr. Willem Lammers.  Five years later the Weisses are the only Master Certified Practitioners of Logosynthesis® in the United States.

Two years ago Dr. Lammers invited Dr. Laurie Weiss, author of 7 other books, to write this book as an introduction to Logosynthesis® for the lay public. Letting It Go has proved effective in helping readers resolve anxiety and stress and currently has a 5-star rating on with 23 reviews.

Laurie Weiss, Ph.D. has a multifaceted background as an internationally known psychotherapist, executive and life coach, marriage counselor, relationship communication expert, trainer of professionals, speaker, grandmother and author of 7 books. Her current focus is on helping clients reclaim their life energy and find joy in all areas of their lives.

Dr. Weiss offers readers 3 tips to create the focus for using the three Logosynthesis® sentences.

1. Listen to the words you hear in your mind when you feel anxious or stressed and complete this sentence. “I hear ____________ (some sound, voice and/or words I don’t want to hear)”

Sometimes the trigger for your anxiety or stress can be found in the words that spontaneously come into your mind.

2. Notice how your body feels when you are experiencing anxiety or stress and complete this sentence. “I feel ____________ (a sensation, often tension or pain, in a specific part of my body—my shoulders, my stomach, my eyes, my hands, etc.)

For many people, experiencing these body sensations is the way they know they are stressed or anxious.

3. Notice the unwelcome images that come into your mind and cause you to feel stressed or anxious and complete this sentence.   I see ____________ (a mental image of a person, place, thing or scene that once happened or that might happen in the future)

An image that you can’t seem to let go is frequently a trigger for the stress and anxiety your experience.

Sounds, thoughts and images that are left over from the long, unpleasant election campaign and the future many Americans are imagining because the ‘wrong’ candidate was elected are causing post-election stress for 52 percent of us. The process of Logosynthesis® can help alleviate that stress.

For a free copy of the three Logosynthesis® sentences that are available in a Quick Start Guide: Using Logosynthesis to Release Anxiety, Stress and Worry visit

About the Author:

Psychotherapist, Coach and Relationship Communication Expert Laurie Weiss, Ph.D. has been helping clients reclaim life energy and find joy in life since 1972.  She has taught professionals in 13 countries and authored 8 books that make complex information accessible to anyone. Her latest, Letting It Go, teaches rapid anxiety and stress relief. 

Dr. Weiss is one of only two Master Certified Logosynthesis Practitioners in the United States. She is a Certified Transactional Analysis Trainer with Clinical and Organizational Specialties and a Master Certified Coach. Her work has been translated into German, Chinese, Spanish, French, Portuguese and possibly Russian.

She and her husband, Jonathan B. Weiss, Ph.D., married in 1960; they started working together in 1970. With 2 children and 5 grandchildren, both Drs. Weiss love mixing business and pleasure and enjoy visiting professional colleagues and friends around the globe. They live and work in Littleton, Colorado (USA).

More information is available at 

Media Contacts:

Company Name: Empowerment Systems
Full Name: Laurie Weiss
Phone: 3037945379
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