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National Geographic Honors Seattle Startup For Stovetop Charger

SEATTLE, WA - 09/06/2017 (PRESS RELEASE JET) — National Geographic Partners has honored clean energy startup HydroBee as a Finalist in their global Chasing Genius contest.  Hydrobee’s FireBee Stove-Top Power System turns the heat of cooking into USB charging power for phones, LED lights, fans and more.  The fans can blow air into existing stoves to improve their combustion to reduce air pollution and save wood and forests.  Over 2 billion people who cook with wood or charcoal fires can benefit from FireBee’s charging power and saving fuel.

The Chasing Genius Contest recognizes great ideas for a Sustainable Planet, Global Health, and Feeding 9 Billion.   This summer, thousands of people around the world made one-minute videos about their ideas and submitted them online.  45 Finalists have been selected and are now seeking votes from the public.   The top four vote-getters will each win $25,000 and great visibility.  

“Now every fire can generate electricity,” says Hydrobee’s President, Burt Hamner.  His company has already won several awards for his inventions of off-grid personal power products.  “Recognition by National Geographic really stands out,” says Hamner.  “They are so well known around the world, and they have the experience to recognize great ideas that are ready to implement, not just talk about.  Please vote for our FireBee personal power system so National Geographic helps us succeed!”

See the FireBee and power from cooking at    Registration to vote just takes a few seconds.   Browse the other entries to see great ideas for big solutions.

Media Contacts:

Company Name: Hydrobee
Full Name: Burt Hamner
Phone: 206490945
Email Address: Send Email