Krav Maga Experts in New York City is Happy to Announce the Introduction of New York’s First Counter Terrorism Self Defense Course 

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Krav Maga Experts, a team of highly trained self-defense expert trainers in New York, is once again making waves in the New York City Krav Maga industry. Krav Maga experts has announced the introduction of a course geared specifically toward helping men, women and children aid in counterterrorism efforts. Krav Maga Experts are filling a void in the market, allowing private citizens to feel powerful and prepared in the fight against terrorism.  Unfortunately, in today’s age,terrorism is an ever present threat, and more so in big cities. And while the military and government have a handle on preventing it in the first place, Krav Maga Experts saw an opportunity to turn potential victims into heroes.

What Krav Maga Experts do, is simply in the name, and it has the potential to not only change the world around us but also an individual's physical and mental health. The professional self-defense trainers teach their students the hand-to-hand combat system developed by the Israeli Defense Force.  This system emphasizes natural instinct and simple techniques that have been proven over time to be life-saving.  Krav Maga is geared to enhance the mental and physical strength of men, women and children. The end result is a more powerful and confident person able to see the world from a different perspective.  

“Anyone who was in New York City on September 11, 2001 has looked terrorism in the face, and that fateful day has changed our perspective on the world around us.  We know that we now live in a world where civilian targets are the norm for terrorists and a threat is posed to all Americans.  With our self-defense tactics, we teach men, women and children how to defend themselves to the best of their abilities should danger strike.  Our workshops are simulated to represent real world experiences and aid individuals to respond quickly and powerfully in the face of danger.  With the skills you will learn, you will be able to protect yourself and your love ones and minimize the impact of the attack. Our goal is to help New Yorkers feel safe at home” says owner of Krav Maga Experts, Tsahi Shemesh.

For a schedule of the Counterterrorism courses and all other courses offered by New York City’s top Krav Maga trainers, visit their website at

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