First Truly Love Books – That Inspires To Show Love Through Actions NOT Words, in a Danish Hygge way

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For men in particular, love is expressed through action. Now, there is a love book series that embraces the concept of “actions speak louder than words” – bringing hygge into people’s love lives. 

Danish hygge is spreading around the world as people seek out ways to live happier lives. Hygge, however, is about more than simple “coziness”. It’s about finding joy in the simple things, and enjoying the wonders of life that are right in front of you. Most Danes would not say ‘I have a boring life,’ because hygge is a powerful thing; it embraces the art of doing nothing and still having a good time. You don’t have to go out on a spa day, dine at a restaurant, or jump out of an airplane to feel enjoyment. This is why the love tickets by Story No. 9 consist of small ‘hyggelige' things.  

Saying “I love you” should be a simple thing. In movies, on television, in songs, we hear people expressing their love for one another… but in reality, it can be difficult. Expressing love openly can be a hurdle for some, one that is difficult to overcome, when the words won’t fall out of your mouth, no matter how deeply you believe and feel them.

Growing up, Nhi Do, has never felt comfortable saying these three words: “I love you”. In her twenties, when love came around, she was eager to express her love through small actions and thoughtful gift giving. Since she wasn’t good with words, she started her search for personalized books that could help express her feelings deeply but, she came across a few problems…

She said: “First of all, most personalized books are made for children. I was surprised by the limited options for adults – after all, we also have love to give and to receive. But even those I could find weren’t quite what I wanted.

“Photo and story books can be lovely and personal, but they can be incredibly time-consuming, because you need to come up with the story or captions. Even if you do have the time to be creative, not everyone does. 

“And then, of course, there’s the cost... These types of gifts can be expensive, making them less than ideal for someone who wants to show their love through action. 

“But these problems paled in comparison to the vision I had in my mind. I have a passion to create beautiful books with amazing illustrations that would suit just about any personal style. I wanted them to be chock-full of love and joy – and to be convenient and affordable, too!”

That is where the idea for Story No. 9 came from. 

Even though Nhi is a marketing professional by qualification, art has always been her passion. She knew creating artistic love books required more creative hands and loving hearts. She teamed up with Nataly Tsiapalo, Ming Luke and Hamza Aytac Dalgalidere. For the last few years, they have worked tirelessly together, connecting across the world to create love tickets. They have one common mission: to spread love and celebrate the little things.   

For this team, that meant developing a book of 9 cozy actions to be performed whenever your loved ones needed it. This fits in well with the founder’s Danish upbringing of hygge - making a delicious home-cooked meal and enjoying it together; watching a sunset together; taking the time to enjoy an ice cream together - these are all everyday things that can be transformed into powerful acts of love.

Today, Story No. 9 offers personalized love books for him, her or a friend. Each book is beautifully illustrated in different art styles, with the added personal touch of two names and a message, and comes filled with 9 love tickets that can be redeemed for simple acts. Your loved one can easily ask you for a home-cooked meal, or share simple pleasures that cost nothing more than your time and effort… and love, of course! 

Developing the book took three years, and Nhi is ready to introduce it to the world - which is why she is launching her Kickstarter campaign, to help fund this concept and spread love and hygge around the world.

Story No.9 wants everyone to have the opportunity to share the love, in order for this love to be shared, you can visit the website and get yourself the digital edition of the books. Once the Kickstarter campaign launches on 9 October 2019, early supporters will have exclusive access to special discounts, bookmarks, and greetings cards. This project is especially for those who find joy in making others happy and want to break away from the materialism of this world. To show their love in a more personal way, by celebrating little things… together. 

Please take part in spreading love, performing the concept of Danish hygge, and join Story No. 9. You will make that special someone happy. Story No. 9 is launching on Kickstarter on 9 October 2019. Stay tuned!

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