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BWA Set To Flex Muscle In Fight Against Alzheimer’s

Newly Launched Website Provides Easy To Use Tools Designed To Help Fight Dementia By Living A More Brain Healthy Lifestyle

USA - 08/01/2017 (PRESS RELEASE JET) — Brain Wellness Alliance (BWA) today announced the launch of a new website designed to help people at all levels of cognitive ability live as brain healthy a lifestyle as possible.  This website provides easy to use tools that enable individuals to monitor and manage lifestyle behaviors that are known to promote brain health.  They are intended to aid people with concerns that range from addressing cognitive challenges in the present, to preventing from having to do so in the future.  In addition to that, these tools help family members address many of the challenges they faced as caregivers to a loved one with a dementia such as Alzheimer’s, regardless of the number of miles that may separate them.  Social Media tools included in the Website also make it possible to connect members of the BWA in a way that can lead to inspiration and hope.

“We want to revolutionize how people monitor and manage their daily lifestyle habits so that they are better able to optimize their brain health,” says Don Veenstra, founder of BWA.  “This website is the result of having spent 10 years working with and studying people with dementia.  From our very first development meeting, we had an eye on building a site that would keep things simple for users with cognitive issues.”  Veenstra says the result of this can be seen in their choice to make the website’s structure Membership Based.  By doing so, it eliminates the need to include advertising content.  Advertising often makes it difficult for a person, especially one experiencing deteriorating cognition, to navigate and focus on what is important in order to benefit from a website.

The first thing members see when entering their BWA Account is their Dashboard.  With as little as a glance at their Lifestyle Snapshot, they can easily distinguish how well they are doing at practicing the Brain Wellness Basics that constitute living a brain healthy lifestyle.  These basics include Mental Stimulation, Physical Exercise, A Brain Healthy Diet and Stress Management.  Four colorful sections below the Lifestyle Snapshot break down the website’s key functions.  All Brain Wellness Tools provided on the website are contained in these sections.  For example, the “Exercise me” section contains a Library of Brian Exercises and a member’s Personalized Brain Gym.  The Library contains over 120 reviews of Exercises that can be moved to a member’s Brian Gym for easy access and use on an ongoing basis.  Another example can be found in the “Connect me” section, which contains a member’s Shadow Box.  By definition a shadow box contains objects that represent things of personal significance.  A member’s Shadow Box is a place where documents such as pictures can be uploaded for easy reference and review.  This tool has been designed to help a person stay connected to who they are, as well as to what their past is, for as long as possible should dementia advance.  BWA has a determined focus on being the ongoing leader in providing Brain Wellness Tools such as these.  To learn more about all of the Brain Wellness Tools available on the BWA website, visit

BWA is committed to turning its 10 years of grassroots experience into a practical, everyday way for people to address brain health concerns.  They trust that the Alliance to fight dementia will grow stronger and stronger with each new member who joins their online community.  And only by fighting together, do they feel we will be able to truly “Support Each Other Along The Journey Of Life.”

Media Contacts:

Company Name: Stimcog, Inc. dba Brain Wellness Alliance
Full Name: Don Veenstra
Phone: 314-629-9339
Email Address: Send Email