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Become a Major Motion Picture Executive Producer for $5.00

The World Film Coalition is inviting everyone from around the world to become Executive Producers and help bring to the World Audience a Major Motion Picture based on the award-winning novel and story originally seen as a dream.

PARK CITY, UTAH - 06/17/2020 —  

The great and notable accomplishments of our world are achieved by those of vision, determination and action. Producer, national award-winning writer and former tech entrepreneur, Ranse Parker, is inviting everyone from anywhere in the world to become one of these people of action as Executive Producers on a major motion picture by contributing $5.00 USD (five dollars) to the Word Film Coalition.

The World Film Coalition is a public funding platform anyone can join. The Coalition’s first project is a film that was originally seen as a movie in a two-part dream. The author experienced these dreams after his professional career was mysteriously taken from him. While documenting the dream he was then instructed by an “overwhelming impression” to write and share that dream story with the world.

Parker’s personal story and journey detailed on describes an entrepreneur busy managing several communications projects and having recently consulted for the 2002 Winter Olympics when he literally woke one morning to a bizarre new reality. The passion and drive for a 25-year career in the wireless tech industry had been replaced with a disdain for the same work. Overnight his career was ended with no explanation.

Months later he then experienced two “highly-orchestrated” dreams wherein he watched a movie alone in an old theater. The first dream part one and the second dream the conclusion. Then while documenting the dream movie he received the clear impression that he was meant to “write out the story in detail and share it with the world.”

Parker says he instantly dismissed the impression as completely ridiculous even though he had written before including a stint as a contributing writer and editor for an international trade magazine. Then for reasons explained on the website he finally gave in and dedicated the next 5-years to secretly writing and publishing the novel that became CIRCLE OF DOORS. But there are no fairy-tale endings here.

The manuscript was ready just as the economy started to decline in 2007. Out of money and with no one willing to financially support the project, Ranse and his wife took out a second mortgage on their modest home and Ranse literally published the novel himself having it printed with a commercial printing company.

Ranse performed dozens of signings at Barnes & Noble and Costco locations and sold most of the few thousands books printed. Readers and literary professionals alike praised the novel with one publishing professional declaring Ranse a “friggen genius.” The novel additionally received two national awards for Visionary Fiction. But mainstream publishers stayed away.

In the end the novel a prize-winning author described as ‘rivalling the works of J.R.R. Tolkien in a modern genre’ is reported to have received upwards of 300 rejections from literary agents. Even though many readers commented that they were anxious to see more of his work, with no official support and a young family to provide for Parker says he finally “threw in the towel” in early 2009.

Hollywood producers interested in film rights to the novel made contact which led to years of meetings with various representatives but resulted in no deals Ranse believed were worthy of the story. A certain Oscar-winning filmmaker later expressed that the novel was the ‘best he has seen’ for adaptation to film. Because of Ranse’s business background and artistic talent, it was suggested Ranse write the screenplay and produce the film himself. Believing no one else was going to properly champion the project, he finally took the Oscar-winner’s advice.

While crowd funding certainly isn’t new, the World Film Coalition may make history as the largest single effort to date to fund a $50,000,000 feature film entirely and directly by audience participation. Contributors to the fund become members of the World Film Coalition and in turn Executive Producers of Coalition funded projects. Credit will be given in the films as “Presented by the World Film Coalition.” CIRCLE OF DOORS is expected to receive a mild PG-13 rating and could generally be compared to The Da Vinci Code and Angels & Demons. Two DOORS films are planned.

The World Film Coalition is an opportunity for anyone anywhere in the world to become part of an extraordinary movement and film project that plans to finally bring to the world audience the movie first seen as a dream. More information along with PayPal and Venmo contribution links can be found on and

Media Contacts:

Company Name: World Film Coalition
Full Name: Ranse Parker
Phone: 801-540-4980
Email Address: Send Email