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Personal Gold Film on "Data, Not Drugs" for Olympic Athlete Performance Now on InDemand and Netflix

LOS ANGELES, CA - 08/09/2016 (PRESS RELEASE JET) — Sky Christopherson, Olympic athlete and world record holder in cycling, announced the premiere “Personal Gold,” a feature documentary on the use of data, not drugs to enhance athletic performance, to audiences worldwide, available now on Netflix, InDemand and other streaming services. Sky and his data team including world-renown doctor Eric Topol coached the US Olympic Sprint Bike Racing Team competing now in the 2016 Rio Olympics.

Personal Gold is also available for sale on Itunes, Amazon, Vimeo, GooglePlay, Steam, Vudu, and VHX with Microsoft and Dish being added to the release plans for October. Kanopystreaming supplies the educational market. 

Christopherson and his fellow Olympic athletes including Dotsie Bausch (Olympic Silver Medalist, London 2012) and Adam Laurent (Olympian, Atlanta 1996) shared outtakes from the film and secrets on how performance enhancing data – not drugs or doping – can deliver outstanding athletic performance, obtained by use of Fitbit-like wearable devices, using “big data” and new real-time monitoring to deliver peak performance in intense competitive environments, like those athletes are experiencing in Rio this month.

“Athletes are focused on optimizing their health and performance.  But consumers who want to be healthy can use this technology to better manage their diabetes, chronic pain or heart disease.  Our message in the movie and in our app is to maximize the use of data and minimize the use of drugs.  This technology has the ability to revolutionize modern medicine,” said Christopherson.

Selections from the “Personal Gold” feature film were shown at a gathering of Olympians on Wednesday, Aug 3 in Santa Monica.

’Personal Gold’ is one of the best films we’ve had the opportunity to distribute as evidenced by the many awards it’s won and the overwhelming response we’ve been getting from audiences who’ve seen the film,” said Ellen Pittleman, CEO of Hybrid Entertainment which distributes “Personal Gold.”

Link to movie trailer:

More about Sky Christopherson

Called a 'Wunderkind' by The New York Times, and recently voted 5th nationwide in 'Top 40 under 40 in Healthcare Innovation', Sky is a world record holder and was a member of the U.S. Cycling Team's 'Project 96' prior to the 1996 Olympics. Frustrated by the rampant doping culture in cycling, Sky retired after the 2000 Olympics and dedicated his career in search for a better solution. In 2011, Sky broke a world record using an individualized digital health approach inspired by Dr. Eric Topol, the previous holder of the record receiving a lifetime ban for drugs. This experiment was the genesis of OAthlete that helped athletes win medals at the 2012 London Olympics, receiving international media and featured in the award-winning documentary film 'Personal Gold (2015)'

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