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Olympic Dating Idiot Served with Bacon and Eggs

WASHINGTON, D.C. - 08/25/2016 (PRESS RELEASE JET) — Just like breakfast, our dating lives have become endless battles of enduring what's best for us. In today's ever-changing technology, online dating has kept us from complete meals. ?Diminished is the age of the two passerby’s connecting eyes and their spirits sharing a warm feeling, or the need of a coworker to get you a blind date.  Not to say it cannot happen, but these are not your only options. ?The build-up of anticipation has turned the corner, and now online dating has become the new culinary experience to creating a gourmet of eligible; however, the buffet will more than likely end up being a bunch of sunny-side-up singles, or non-eligible bits of bacon idiots! 

Gazing through countless profiles of singles like yourself, you're on your quest for gold.  The celebrity look-alike who caught your eye seems like a good choice, but is it realistic? ?If we stop trying to go for gold, most of us probably would be better off; but who is going to pick the bronze medalist with white socks pulled up to their knees -- absolutely no one.  No matter how good they look or how they treat you, you really will have no idea if he or she is scrambling for a good time, or looking for a pork slice to add to their complete cheeseburger.  Either way, potential mates will send you a dish of greasy flirts or yolk-filled gifts to get your attention.  The only yolk on you is to figure out if what they're dishing to you is edible or what needs to be thrown in the dumpsters.? 

Good NEWS, you can replenish through this new dating site that has broaden the courting spectrum, which gives YOU more choices. ?Smells of bacon and eggs in the morning is the revitalization to your nostrils, just like It's My Love Life is for the online dating experience. The head of their marketing team stated, "Online dating is an experience in the dating revolution.  The joy of dating nowadays comes from your smartphone, laptop, or I-Pad and having options."   Knowing that at any moment a new suitor is knocking at your door, ready to love and fulfill all of your needs is just like the salty, satisfying crunch of bacon; but also at the grasp of your fingers is the potential risk to get cheated on, ignored, or egged.  The gist is, at the end of the day, we still go through the ups-and-downs when getting to know a stranger, but online dating makes it easier to move on to the next one -- if the meal wasn’t satisfactory. 

Let’s be real, we need to have as many choices to explore in the dating world. ?Until you find someone worth investing your time in -- if that's what you're looking for -- try to break records, be that Olympic-Dating Idiot.  So come and check out this cool dating revolution,  They don't believe in companionship tests, or taking your rent money for a chance to meet someone that may or may not be Mister or Mrs. Right.  No, not one dating site can solve all dating woes, but it’s good to start fresh with something different.  Scrambling eggs of love and sizzling pork companions is a great meal to start any dating revolution.  It's My Love Life merely offers another platter and more tables to the diner! 




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