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Is Kanye West’s Slavery Was a Choice Comment Ludicrous, or Is There Truth Behind the Madness?

DALLAS, TX - 05/08/2018 (PRESS RELEASE JET) — Kanye West recently set social media on fire with his comments about African Americans’ 400 years of slavery, saying that it “sounds like a choice” on the TV show TMZ Live. He received a swift backlash from many African Americans, including one of the hosts of TMZ Live, Van Lathan.

There are a few facts that are not exactly true from Mr. West’s rant. First, slavery didn’t officially last 400 years. It started in 1619 and ended in 1865. That’s 246 years. Secondly, the concept of anyone choosing slavery is ludicrous. It’s been widely known that slavery was forced on Africans against their will. Mr. West later changed his statement saying, “Of course, I know that slaves did not get shackled and put on a boat by free will. My point is for us to have stayed in that position even though the numbers were on our side means that we were mentally enslaved.”

So, what does Mr. West mean when he says that for African Americans to have stayed in that position means that they are mentally enslaved? What does the 400 years statement mean when slavery lasted 246 years? If you add the years from 1619 to 2018 that’s about 400 years. “It seems as if Mr. West is saying that African Americans are still not seen as equal today by some in white society even though freedom was given and slavery officially ended in 1865,” according to A. L. Bryant, author of the book The Truth About White Supremacy, Sexism, and Mind Control in America. What exactly is mental slavery?

Bryant said, “If you examine the treatment of African Americans in America throughout history and today you’ll see that many are still searching for the economic and social status of Caucasians. You hear news stories every day about the horrific treatment of African Americans by police and businesses. Recently white power groups have surfaced and the current president has ties with them. In addition, some of the most successful and affluent African Americans can be brought to their knees by a single derogatory racial slur. In other words, some African Americans are still trying to get approval for their self-worth from Caucasians. It’s like a parent-child relationship.”

“Mental enslavement is not just an African American problem,” exclaimed Bryant. Women and some minorities have been subject to similar treatment, with low paying jobs and the lack of respect by the group in power, white males. Women have the added burden of being sexually harassed and assaulted. This has also gone on for centuries.

As Mr. West mentioned, the numbers are on African American’s side. They were always on women’s side. So why has one group held all this power for centuries? “The only answer, as Mr. West suggested, is mind control,” said Bryant. The part he’s missing is that it was never by choice. It’s a mind game. In the psychological condition, The Stockholm Syndrome, popularized by the Patty Hearst kidnapping, abusers get the victims to identify with and like them, and eventually work on their behalf to carry out unscrupulous activities.

The Truth About White Supremacy, Sexism, and Mind Control in America describes how white supremacists, called white male narcissists (WMNs) in the book, use mind control techniques to ensure that they are the ones who keep the power in America by perpetuating derogatory ideas about other groups throughout American culture. These ideas limit the beliefs of groups like African Americans and women. Success advocates recognize that you can achieve what you believe. If you make groups believe they have little worth, many will not achieve.

Furthermore, the WMNs, through mind control, get people from these groups to work for them as disciples on their behalf. Disciples help WMNs maintain power and take actions against other groups for them. It’s a very subliminal, informal process by spreading false ideas throughout society. Many do not know that they are under the influence. This is why you see many women voting for leaders who do not support women’s rights and think that women get sexually assaulted because of the clothes they wear. Many of these ideas were initiated by WMNs, who do not want women and minorities to gain power.

“Mr. West is also a victim,” said Bryant. The Truth About White Supremacy, Sexism, and Mind Control in America describes how the WMNs victimization is so thorough that the disciples lose their identity and work against their own group to help them maintain power. Bryant mentioned, “Sometimes they may think that they are part of the abusive group in power. This is the case with Mr. West, and with some women in power who don’t feel other women should have a power position. Instead of trying to help their group, they disassociate from it and identify with the group in power that is abusive. The group in power has no such issues, because they stick together and help each other succeed.”

So how do you solve this issue of mental enslavement or mind control? As psychologists say, the only way to get rid of a problem is to first realize that you have one. According to Bryant, “Though Mr. West was not correct in many ways, mind control in America is real. Can America handle the truth?”

Ordering Information

The Truth About White Supremacy, Sexism, and Mind Control in America is currently available on Amazon, Barnes and Nobles and Apple iTunes.

Media Contacts:

Company Name: A. L. Bryant
Full Name: A. L. Bryant
Phone: 214-724-0978
Email Address: Send Email